Sharon House Summer Escape
The ladies of Sharon House embarked on a summer adventure, enjoying a week-long vacation in the picturesque Cape Cod. Resident Claire perfectly captured the sentiment of her housemates, saying, “We had fun! We went out to eat…a lot, she laughed. And did some fun shopping.” According to Claire, the week was not just enjoyable but also really relaxing.
Adding a delightful twist to the story, resident Kaylee Rollins found herself on vacation with her family during the same week as her Sharon housemates. Sharing moments of her own adventure, Kaylee treated us to photos showcasing her boating escapades and an exciting plane ride. While she expressed a touch of sadness for missing out on Sharon House’s vacation, she revealed she had the time of her life in North Carolina! (Photos included)
This summer escapade reflects the spirit of adventure and camaraderie that defines the residences of Lifeworks, where every journey, whether shared or individual, becomes a memorable chapter in the lives of those we serve.